Thursday, June 08, 2006

The Tribulation of a Maimed Squirrel

Don’t make Bug (vw) mad. Oh go ahead and make her mad. Just stay off a golf course when she is there, mad or not.

One advantage to having an older sister who moves away is that you learn to write, letters. Lots of them. Downside is that you never include the really great stories. Big sister’s solution: Wait until they grow up and marry her best friend. Hey, she wasn’t going to marry him anyway. Upside to this is that I get all the great stories on bug. Which brings us back to stay off the golf course when Bug is there.

She and Pan (see sidebar if you don’t know) really were best friends in high school and did a lot of things together. And one fine day, Pan suggested golf at the nearby Naval base. Off they go, for what was going to be a terrifying afternoon for all involved (except possibly Bug).

After a while, Pan was urgently requesting that they make a quick get-away before they were arrested for hunting without a license. Bug managed to take out 2 squirrels and a bird, or was it 2 birds and a squirrel? No matter which it was, how in the world do you take out any kind of small animal with a golf ball, much less three?

Note to self: Stay off golf course when Bug is there.
Note to self 2: Warn Brains

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2 squirrels, 1 bird.