Thursday, June 29, 2006

And you don’t believe there can be a tribulation in a joke?

Oh yes there can, and a doozy of one at that.

Scamp, is our main character again, at about age 3; maybe 4. He was such a cute, tiny and precious tot. It was hard to believe that this soft-spoken child could harbor a sense of humor to rival any adult’s that I know.

Picture the setting: Poppa sitting out on the back patio, watching as the children play in the yard. Mamma comes out and he asks her if the roast is going to be cooked on the grill or in the oven. She replies that she is going to cook it inside.

Some time passes and Scamp needs to use the restroom. Inside he bounces, straight back for the bathroom. A few minutes later he bounces back out and looks at Poppa and very clearly says, “Mamma said to get your damn ass in that kitchen and get that roast.”

Anyone who knows my father, knows that would surely get his dander up in a hurry and in the house he storms, yelling at mom about how she said she was going to cook the roast. Finally she gets to say her piece, which is the roast, is in the oven and where did he get that idea from.

Both head out on the side of the house where Scamp is laughing his butt off.


Anonymous said...

I thank Scamp got it from Dad. Both played jokes/pranks.

Judyy said...

That's too funny--and to be that way when he was such a little guy! I can only imagine the practical jokes you had in store for you--hoping to hear more!

Deanna said...
