Thursday, June 29, 2006

An Exercise in Tribulation

Blog Prompt: What do you do for exercise? Do you have any goals, favourite exercise activities?

Meg hit this one on the head: Exercise? What’s that?

Of course I have goals, I have just lost the will power. I could blame it on a two-year regime of steroids, but let’s face it I’ve done that before and got rid of the weight, so the reality is I just lost the will power.

But let’s say that I didn’t lose the WP and that I didn’t have to keep an eye on a 2 year old constantly; then I would have to say my favorite exercise is yoga.

Why yoga? Well, it works, at least for me. I use to get up at 6 and work out for an hour then I would be ready to face the day. At night I would do a 30-minute workout and be ready for a good night’s sleep.

Hey, hey, I can blame the loss of WP on no sleep. That works. Yeah, okay, I have no WP left because I’m not getting any sleep. (somewhere in the distant background: excuses, excuses). I’m not listening to you….


Glynis said...

I hear you! I've never had enough will power to lose any!

loonyhiker said...

I'm just learning some yoga positions but I love the way I feel afterwards. I also like reading your tribulations!