Friday, June 02, 2006

A Tree's tribulations

I have discovered that I am a tree. And not a very sturdy one at that.

Picture this:

Serene evening at home. Indiana had just had his bath and was running around while Pan was desperately trying to chase him down. Pan gives up. Pan is on his computer, Priness Z and Indiana B watching the Backyardigans (for the umpteenth time today) and me at my computer reading all the wonderful comments from my posts and thinking what I should do for a website.

Indiana comes over and gives my leg a hug then he reaches up for me as I feel the fountain of his youth trickling down my leg. Up I jump shouting "No, No." He starts spinning around and now we have a sprinkler. He is enjoying our discomfort so much that he is straining to keep it going.

I am tree and not a very sturdy one at that.


Anonymous said...

*snicker* Now that's a welcome isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha!
At least Princess Z didn't run through the sprinkler!

ArtcTrish said...

LOL! I'm sorry...been there done that!

Anonymous said...

Just marking his territory :-)