Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Musings and Tribulations: Does your mind ever wander?

Mine does. I think it is because I think of so many things at one time, that I start to loose track. Last night I had actually started a post for my blog and before I knew it, I was off on a dozen different things, none of which had to do with the other. If I had been in my right mind then, I should have made a list.

Of course it was hard to be in one’s right mind when you have the Backyardigans playing on one television and Nanny McPhee on the other. I kept calling it Fanny McKnee to Princess Z’s sanguine. I wasn’t’ trying to be funny, it just happened that way. Again it may have had something to do with the Worman Polka going on, on the other television. Pan and I still wake up singing that one. Which is why, I bought two more Backyardigan dvds. Yip yip yip yip. New songs soon I hope.

Wanderlust again. Just got off the phone with bug. It was an interesting conversation about dead bugers and power rangers. But with both us forgetting what we were talking about in mid-sentence. And speaking of wandering minds, she was suppose to put the blog roll on last night and I don't see it yet.

Now back to our regularly scheduled post. I really do think about too many things at one time. I can be contemplating what I should be writing, the last article I read in Scientific American, what is going to be for dinner and if I can talk the kids into watching something other than children’s shows. And part of me is now saying end this post and go watch the newest video from Craig’s Watch and Learn Photoshop.

Pip pip and cheerio.


faery-wings said...

wandering mind.... that is me too. I love lists, except I tend to forget to either
1. write the stuff down,
2. forget where I put list
3. Have several lists all of which confuse me further

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

My mind wanters all the time too. I have lists strewn all over the house.

The Backyardigan's song I can't get out of my head is the "Queen Tasha" one. and I get the words wrong in my head.