Monday, June 26, 2006

Names and Tribulations

Blog Prompt: The Story behind the name: Tell us about the reasons you gave your child the name you did. Or it could be a pet or the story behind your own name or a friend’s name.

The story behind Nuke’s name is rather amusing. My ex wanted to name him after my dad and after his grandfather. I agreed to this under the condition that three little letters were added to the end of his grandfather’s name so that Nuke’s name would “flow” better. It wasn’t until years later that Ex found out that by adding the additional 3 letters that it became my dad’s middle name. So Nuke is really named after my dad.

Scamp though was another matter altogether. I had originally wanted to name him Andre Dawson, but Ex nixed that immediately. We argued about his name for months while waiting for his birth. As it turned out Ex wasn’t there when I had to fill out the paperwork, but still not waiting further arguments when I got home I gave him my next favorite choice. And now I am glad, because it suits him much better than Andre.

Ex wanted to name Bombshell, of all things, Trixie. I went ballistic. With his last name, she would have a perfect name for a stripper. I wanted to name her after my mother, but Ex thought that was unfair as we named Nuke after my dad. Well as it turns out Ex ended up naming her after my two sisters, bug and ddpup. I couldn’t argue with that now could I, since they are my most favorite sisters in the whole wide world.


Anonymous said...

Yaa. Runs in the family. Tot being named after our Grandfather. Though I warned Hubby before we actually chose the name. He still liked it.

Meg said...

Love the stories! They're all the more amusing for those of us that don't know what their real names are. I keep trying to add three letters to "Nuke", but the results aren't pretty! Thanks for sharing!