Thursday, August 24, 2006

Lively Tribulations

Blog Prompts: What do you like best and least about where you live?

There are probably a lot more things I dislike about the place I live than actually like, but here it goes.

I like that I live far enough away from "home" that friends and relatives have to call before they visit. I like our dock space and being able to sit on the boat and watch the sun go down (or up) over the bayou. I like that there are plenty of parks to take the kids to, to play especially for such a small town.

I dislike that everything closes at 9 p.m. I dislike the "I am better than thou" attitude that permeates throughout the town. I dislike that just because they have a church on every corner they feel they have to have the above attitude. (We have more churches per capita than a major metropolitan city).


Tiffani said...

I hate how things close early on Sundays in my town. 6pm is JUST WAY TOO EARLY for stuff to close.

debra said...

I hear ya on the being on the water thing, it's a little piece of Heaven! As for the other, yuck, yuck!

Glynis said...

We have that thing about everything closing early around here, too. It's a bit irritating, or it was before kids when we could take off an go somewhere after 8pm ! :)

Gabby Faye said...

I would love sitting on the boat and looking out at the bayou, too. I would find it easy to just ignore all that other stuff.

loonyhiker said...

My little town closes up early too and on Sunday, nothing opens! As for visiting friends and relatives, do you remember that saying that had to do with visitors who are like fish, after 3 days they begin to stink!