Sunday, August 27, 2006

A Forgotten Tribulation?

What, are you telling me I forgot to post something today? What in the world can you be talking about? I never forge..... Oh, I guess you are right.

It must be because of the dreaded disease that seems to be permeating throughout my house. Or it just could be because we (the kids) spent the day out in the whale pool in the backyard that we can now see.

Whatever the case may be I can post about the conversation between bug and I today. We were talking about.... (can you guess?)..... words and I was explaining that next week I would not be using the one I had intended as I remembered another that is far more interesting. Well one thing let to another and what should come up but the pint.

For years bug always referred to a pint as a pent. (Not entirely her fault, it was the way her teacher said it.) Mine was adament (you know long a, dam, ent). Hey I was a kid and got to say a bad word. ddpup isn't left out either. Her's is executive; only pronouce it as execution with ive instead of ion.

And while it is not a pronounciation error, but a spelling error we will never let our mother forget "Quiet, I said Quiet... Q U I T E--- Quiet." Love you mom.

1 comment:

Karen said...

What's that thing called love?
What's that thing called love?
What's that thing called love?
What's that thing called love?
What's that thing called love?
What's that thing called love?