Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Indulgent Tribulations

Blog Prompt: In what way do you indulge yourself? In what way do you wish you could indulge yourself?

I'm late, I know. And yet this is a pretty cool set of questions. So off to answer them.

Indulging: Turning my a/c down to 60°F if I so chose. Having a glass of wine with dinner (or two). By not talking if I don't want. Reading a book when the dishes need to be done and playing on the computer when I should be vacuuming. Playing on the floor with the kids instead of dusting. Yep, I indulge myself daily.

I can't really think of a way that I would indulge myself if I could. Oh wait, maybe buy a hot tub for the backyard and put a sliding glass door in my bedroom to get to it. Other than that, Pan usually indulges my every whimsy whether I want him to or not. (I am Soooo lucky).

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