Monday, July 17, 2006

Shower Tribulations

Gene Kelly move over. Indiana B is making a spectacular one toddler appearance in "Singing in the Shower," now showing at Pan and Tink's.

Indiana loves showers. Really loves showers (okay baths too). Up until the other day, it was just an ordinary time getting clean. Then suddenly he starts to sing. Goodness knows what it was, I haven't mastered Toddler Talk yet. But he was having a grand old time singing up a storm.

I had Princess get me my camera, but the little so and so kept turning his head or would shut his mouth just as I would snap the picture.

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This was the closest I could come to showing him actually singing and if you look carefully enough you can tell his mouth is wide open. And yes, he got sunburnt during the day in the pool despite the fact that he was continuously slathered with lotion.

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And another where he shut his mouth just as the camera flashed. Timing, the kid's got timing.


Anonymous said...

Now that's a cutie! Then again he is related. ;-)

Anonymous said...

they DO that! they'll sing and sing and sing and do whatever until the know you're watching, then it's 'catch me if you can' time lol. My daughters are like that sometimes.

Glynis said...

So sweet! Even if you can't understand it you know he's having a great time..what a joy!

Anonymous said...

Too cute!!!