Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Tribs of Being Punk

Pan and Nuke worked so hard in the yard yesterday while I took a walk with Indy and then got to sit in an air conditioned house with him, that I thought it would be nice if I took them to dinner at the restaurant where Bombshell is the waitress.

Indy's dad was suppose to pick him up, but as usual that didn't happen. So we ended up taking him with us. Actually it was quite fun to have him there. He stole the show and I am going to have to do several scrapbook pages of it. Here is the first:

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Polaroid frame by
Andrea Rascaglia

Isn't he just the cutest? And before you even go there, I did not subject the child to this torture, his mother did. But he didn't seem to mind it. In fact, you could probably say he reveled in it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

His mother is from your loins. That poor child. Good thing he has such a good nature. Please tell me she is not going to pierce his ears!