Monday, September 18, 2006


I heard that today was Mrs. Who's Birthday. Well you know I couldn't think of anything to get her so I stopped by just to make my congratulations well-known and guess what I found?

A Party was being held in honor of this special day and some of her favorite characters showed up to help HC out in installing the curtain rod in the dining room and the oven vent in the kitchen. Better yet I got pictures.

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First of all who should I see, but Kosh taking a peek into the dining room window on his way up to the door. As you can see curtain rod is up and sitting at the table is none other than Sheridan and Zathras.

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Is that an oven vent I see? Well I do declare I think it is. But, Mrs. Who, you may want to take a look at the installation first, as it appears that Londo and G'Kar are celebrating and they may have started the libations before the installation. Oh and look who just walked in.... Charles Wallace, Meg and Calvin.

And here's to, not getting another year older, but another year better.


Mrs. Who said...

Tink, that is hilarious!

You out-did yourself... I love it!

I can't wait until Mrs_Who sees it herself... Thanks!

Mrs_Who said...

Tink, I will have to say that is the most interesting group of people I could ever hope to walk in and see! All my favorite characters from Babylon 5, plus Mrs_Who's 'original' kids (for those of you who don't know, it's from one of my favorite books "A Wrinkle in Time").

But I just hope Kosh won't be looking in my bedroom window...that could give me a heart attack at my 'advanced age', you know!

But thank you so much, Tink! A most thoughtful gift, indeed!