Sunday, September 03, 2006

Eclectic Tribulations

I have added an new blogger to my list of those I like to read. Grizz is a wonderful writer and I really enjoy just popping over from time to time to see what he has posted. He even has his own Blog Book started - The Madawaska. You mountain men out there could probably give him better praise or constructive criticism than I can, as I am not a mountain fishing type person.

And for all of those who are mothers, have mothers, are contemplating motherhood or preparing for motherhood you need to check out out what he has written on Mothers are Forever. Thanks Grizz for making all mothers feel so special and for reminding me just how special my mother is.

1 comment:

Pam said...

Thanks for the additional links - the Mother's page is beautifully done - a wonderful tribute.