Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Holiday Tribulations

Wed 11/22 Blog Prompt: How does the thought of the approaching holidays make you feel? In honor of the American holiday of Thanksgiving, every day this week, let's have a secondary prompt about thankfulness. What are you/your family thankful for? Add something to your blog each day, and then perhaps you can share them with your family on Thanksgiving.

Harried. More so this year as we will be leaving for Hawaii in a week and a half. Most times I really enjoy the upcoming holiday seasons. It is time to spend with family and friends. But I can get a little depressed if money is somewhat tight during the season, as I love to buy for everyone. Just call me Ms. Claus, LOL.

I am thankful for a full and varied family who all gets along and really likes one another.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so Mrs Claus vacations in the tropics? Makes total sense!!