Saturday, November 04, 2006

Communicating Tribulations

Weekend Blog Prompt (brought to us by carinc): Do you find it easier to "be yourself" when communicating online with people you've never met? And without being specific, do you belong to or visit many online communities, or just this one?

I think I am just myself no matter where or what I do. It is no easier for me to communication on-line than on the phone or face to face. I still have to get to know who I am talking to. Sometimes it is even harder on-line as I don't have that physical contact to advise me how the person on the other end is really feeling; you know, eye contact or a reflection in a voice. Then there is the "Am I going to insult the person I am commenting to?"

I do belong to a couple of communities but usually as an quiet observer as opposed to an all out spokesperson.


Meg said...

Agreed! Virtual communication has its own difficulites with the lack of vocal inflection and body language, you have to be polite in a completely different way. Great thoughts!

carin.c said...

Good for you. I think I am much more of a "clam" when person to person, at least until I really get to know the person. Harder to do that when you have to write to blog prompts or comments. But otherwise I am probably still a clam for the most part even online.

Glynis said...

I totally know what you mean about not getting the body language feedback...I think I've 'said' things online that later on I think 'Wow, I hope everybody took it the way I meant that!'

Unknown said...

glad you can be yourself tink.

loonyhiker said...

I like to "lurk" in some chats just to listen rather than say anything. Usually I don't have anything important or enlightening to say but I like to listen.

Anonymous said...

Well I always enjoy your comments on my blog Tink.
I fully agree with the body language thing, because I'm not into doing 'lol' or smiley faces and I just have to hope that people understand my (sometimes) quirky sence of humour that I have difficulty keeping under control.

Anonymous said...

Karen - I used to think emoticons were the dumbest things ever. But having blogged for a while I've made my peace with them, since it's SO easy to miscommunicate when just typing out a few impromptu sentences.

A well-timed smiley can be your best friend :-)