Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Aged Tribulations

Wed 11/29 Blog Prompt: How old would you say you are, if you didn't actually know your age?

Interesting prompt today. Twenty-one? I don't think so. Actually when I see myself I see someone who is 50, which is how old I am. But most people who first meet me think I am much younger. (Must be that Indian blood I inherited from my mother; or it could be from my dad's side, he looked the same at 17 and 70, few less wrinkles a 17 possibly).

Then again, I have never been very good at guessing ages.


Anonymous said...

I stink at guessing ages, too. My Motto: guess low and make them happy!

loonyhiker said...

I wasn't good at age guessing either. I hate when people ask me to guess how old they are. 21 is my standard answer for adults!

Anonymous said...

35... but it's getting worse as the gray comes in...