December 28: A Beautiful Boomerang Nebula
December 29: Saturn's Infrared Glow
December 30: Mammatus Clouds Over Mexico
December 31: A Year of Spectacular Comets
January 1: Rays from an Unexpected Aurora
January 2: A Galaxy is not a Comet
January 3: Geminids in 2007
January 4: M51: Cosmic Whirlpool
January 5: The Milky Way at 5000 Meters
Cosmic Log
January 2: An extra helping of science on the Web
January 2: Winners from Saturn
January 4: Inside the supernova machine
LiveScience Blog
December 27: Odd Event in Earth Orbit: Space Objects Collide? by Leonard David
December 28: NASA Outer Planet Mission Studies: International Collaboration by Leonard David
December 28: Asteroid Impact on Mars: Collision Probability Increased by Leonard David
January 3: Possible Asteroid Strike on Mars: Scientific Paydirt by Leonard David
January 3: Scientists Fume over Federal Funding Cuts by Robert Roy Britt
NASA Image of the Day
December 31: Happy New Year! Image Credit: NASA/JPL
January 1: Starring Mittens. Image Credit: NASA/JPL/University of Colorado
January 2: A Perfect Storm. Image Credit: NASA
January 3: A Happy 4th! Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Cornell University
Sky & Telescope
January 2: Cassini's Popularity Contest by Kelly Beatty
January 4: This Week's Sky at a Glance by Alan M. MacRobert
Lofty Launch Goals Set for 2008 by Todd Halvorson
Young Planet Orbits Sun-Like Star by Jeanna Bryner
Satellite Sheds Light on Earth's Highest Clouds by The Associated Press
NASA Buys Microgravity Flights From Zero-G by Brian Berger
Astronomers Imagine Comet's Birth by Jeanna Bryner
Saturn's Spots Mystify Astronomers by Andrea Thompson
Asteroid's Martian Impact: What Might Happen by Leonard David and Tariq Malik
Shuttle Launch Date Slips as NASA Tackles Sensor Fix by Tariq Malik
Microsoft Bigwigs Donate to Telescope by Arthur H. Rotstein
New Sunspot Cycle Begins by The Associated Press
Space Station Crew Prepares for Spacewalk Repair by Tariq Malik
Most Amazing Space Discoveries of 2007 (slide show)
4 Years on Mars: Rovers Continue to Amaze by Dave Mosher
Old Comets for a New Year by Joe Rao
Love the layout (I always call Jackson my padawan) and all the great links...thanks so much for sharing!
Because of you I am taking a scrap booking class the first week in March! I can't wait!
Happy New Year Tink! May this year be truly blessed for you!
WOW girlfriend, you've been BUSY!!! As always!!! LOL!
I've come up for a bit of air and just had to come and say, HELLO! Thank you for your continued visits and sweet notes - I don't think you need to STRIVE too hard to accomplish your goals for this year!!! You ROCK girl!
AWESOME layouts and YAY YOU for taking your tree down and meticulously storing away your ornaments!!! While I don't have a tree to dismantle, I do have goodies everywhere around the great room (I SO love to decorate, but skimped this year due to the trip) and will work on putting things away next weekend - I hope!
We had such a GOOD time with the girls and being away for five days (first time in I couldn't tell you how long) has left me with A LOT of catching up to do. I've been struggling with a kit that was due up Friday. I'm feeling MUCH, MUCH better today so, hopefully, I shall get 'er done and be able to move along a little faster with the rest of my "to-do's"!!!
I have a question for you before I forget. Do you print your own layouts or do you have them printed? This inquiring mind would REALLY like to know!
Well, I guess I shall return to PS before the day gets away from me. I'm glad that you have been enjoying the brag book pages and mini-tutorial. Thank you for stopping by neighbor!
If you don't mind, I shall borrow your word for the year, STRIVE. I shall STRIVE to become more efficiently organized with my computer files, especially those I need and use for designing, so as to become MORE productive in 2008!
He, he ... I've just shared my VERY first resolution right here with you Tink!!! WOO HOO!!! Here's to a FABULOUS year for ALL of us!
Tink, I just noticed the Janauary 2nd posting for NASA IMAGE OF THE DAY and I just have to share with you a VERY fond memory of MY perfect storm!
In September of 2001, I flew (yes, I was in flight two days after 911) to Minneapolis, Minnesota to visit a friend and my sister. A few days before I was due to return to California, my niece invited me to join her and my twin grand-nieces for a neighborhood movie night down the street from where she and my sister live.
The mock theater was set up via the garage and driveway. The large projection screen was in the garage while the driveway was set up neatly with chairs and covered with an outdoor canopy due to the possibility of rain.
As this was a family affair, the first movie was Spy Kids to entertain the children (I LOVED it too) followed by the FEATURED film, PERFECT STORM!!!
I shall have to make this short as I am taking up your blog space!!!
I'm sure you are already figuring things out! It began to rain ... it began to pour ... it began to RUMBLE!!! And guess what was happening ON screen??? Oh yeah!!! Talk about AMBIANCE!!! It was AMAZING and a night I shall NEVER forget. NOBODY left due to the storm. I think each and everyone of us equally enjoyed the MAGNIFICENT sound effects!!!
AWESOME movie (what movie with George Clooney or Diane Lane is not!) and to top if all off, as I was headed out the front door of my sister's house and preparing to be driven to the airport, she handed me a VHS tape and I'll be you'll never guess what it was??? ROFL ... you got it, PERFECT STORM.
To this day, every time we watch the movie, I am reminded of that VERY special time with my niece and grand-nieces and the SPECIAL commemorative gift bestowed upon me my PRECIOUS sister.
Have a GORGEOUS day sunshine!!!
Hugs again,
Lord, I was born a RAMBLIN' woman!!!
SHEESH! Oh well, hey, I'm catching up!!! He, he ...
Astronomy photo of the day is my favorite, referred to by you.
Nebula and geminids are awesome.
Thanks for always sharing your finds. I enjoy them when I finally get around to them:)
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