Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Sense of Tribulations

Wed 1/30 Blog Prompt: Choose one of your senses and use it to describe something you experience today.

As I was contemplating this prompt, I remembered the other day when The Princess wanted to know why all of the lights in the house were off except the one in the room I was occupying. And explaining to her how I didn't need all the lights on throughout the house, it began thinking about the philosophy class I had taken in college. It was required but intriguing.

Metaphysical world.-- It is true, there could be a metaphysical world; the absolute possibility of it is hardly to be disputed. We behold all things through the human head and cannot cut off this head; while the question nonetheless remains what of the world would still be there if one had cut it off.

from Nietzsche's Human, All Too Human, s.9, R.J. Hollingdale transl.
The whole point of the previous is I remember in this class one of the philosophers had stated that what you cannot see or hear, must not exist. I thought it was Nietzsche, but I think I am wrong. Still I digress. We are talking about the senses. And right now I wish my sense of hearing was not as acute.

I have The Princess and Indy today. Seems The Princess was complaining about an earache and Indy may have pink eye. So as I sit, trying to get my blog caught up, in the background I hear the constant patter of argument. One wants to watch cartoons, one wants to play the x-box. Cartoons have been on for nearly 2 hours. Time to move on. One wants to play Star Wars Legos. The other wants to play Over the Hedge. Star Wars Legos wins out for an hour. Still there is the soft patter of argument, the theme song to Star Wars and the pounding of the keyboard as I try to type.

But what is that? I think my coffee has finished brewing as I can smell it wafting throughout house. I believe, I shall go fix myself a cup and lock myself in the bathroom for a while contemplating the philosophy of today. Toodle Pip.

Template 9 by Simply Yin; Raspberry Goodness (c)Raspberry Road Designs; Fonts: Blackjack, Windsong

1 comment:

ArtcTrish said...

Glad to see your computer working again. Much too deep thought for me though the sound of arguments in the background is quite familiar!