Thursday, November 01, 2007

Tribulations of a Thankful Tink

Thurs 11/1 Blog Prompt: Since Thanksgiving is coming up here in the USA, I thought it would be fun to focus this month on things that we are thankful for. Each day I will give a specific topic and you need to name 3 or more of them that you are thankful for and why. What family members are you thankful for and why? (this month's blog prompts brought to us by Loonyhiker. Thanks Loony)

Had to read this one several times as I got stuck on the 3, LOL. There was no way I could name just 3 family members.

A good start, of course, would be my parents. They taught me the values I carry with me to this day. They were there for me through thick and thin. Guess you could say they taught was love really was.

My sisters. I couldn't imagine what my life would have been like without them. ddpup and I are only 2 years apart. We spent our childhood playing together, sharing friends and being friends. The Bug, 8 and 6 years younger respectively, was our special little toy, then pest, finally a good friend.

My children, for whom the stress they caused and cause has probably caused the majority of my grey hair, but who also brought some of the best highlights of my life into existence. I have grown and learned with them, one step at a time, and I am proud of the unique adults they have become.

My in-laws. Not only have they raised a most remarkable man, they took me and the children into their home and hearts as surely as if we were one of them. They are extraordinary people who are easy to be with and love.

Finally, but surely not last... my husband... Pan. There is so much I could say about him. His love of life (and Halloween), his infectious smile, how incredibly brilliant he is. How he stood up and took charge of three teenagers when he wasn't much past the stage himself. He became a father the children could love and respect. But what it all boils down to is his belief in me. Thanks honey.

Template by Mrs. Wresh; Tangerine Tango kit (c)EvaK Designs™; Font: Walt Disney Script


Tammy said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!!! What wondeful Halloween pictures and you guys have the best house ever!!! That would be so much fun to come to and I know you are the envy of the neighborhood.

loonyhiker said...

I didn't mention my in-laws because they have passed away but I should have. They were wonderful people who loved me and treated me like family before I ever married their son. My senior year of college was so rough that they moved Don into the living room and me into his bedroom. Then his dad got up every morning and fixed me breakfast before I left for classes. I really miss them.

Unknown said...

Just about Tammy. There is one other house (the Tim Allen house) that really puts on a show. But we were the first ones to really decorate in the neighborhood so it is we are the one everyone remembers.

Loony, how wonderful for you that your in-laws took you into their hearts. No matter what the stereotype may be, I think our in-laws are pretty cool.

Yin said...

I love reading this post, Tink. You put into words so well how you feel! I might need to quote you sometimes if you don't mind! :)

Unknown said...

I would be most humbly honored Yin. Thank you.