Monday, November 19, 2007

Inherited Tribulations

Mon 11/19 Blog Prompt: What things or traits you have inherited are you thankful for?

Oh, oh, oh, I know, I know.....

My hair. Granted it is now nearly 2 feet shorter (thank goodness), but I have inherited the most perfect hair. That is unless you like curly, in that case it is not perfect. It is shiny and thick. And now that the I am getting on in years and it is starting to turn, the Princess and I have discovered that it is not white nor grey, but the most beautiful silver (though you still have to look to see much of it, maybe one strand in a thousand). That is the other thing I apparently inherited I'm not going to be totally grey for a long time yet.

And about that 2 feet of lost hair... most went to Locks of Love; some went to one of the local schools for a science project on chlorination. When I used to go to 10th Avenue salon in another town, they would keep my hair to test new products. How is that for perfect? LOL.

Another trait that I am thankful for is my high cheekbones. Yep, my great grandfather was Indian or part Indian I have have inherited those from him.

Then there's little feet and little hands (now if the rest of my body would just cooperate). Not nearly as little as ddpup's, but just right for me.

Template by Showme; Papers (c)Rachel A.H.; Element (c)cupcake; Leaf Element (c)bandwife; Fonts: Walt Disney Script, Sylfaen


loonyhiker said...

Love your list! What a wonderful thing you do by donating your hair!

Linda Walton aka bobbysgirlforever said...

Tink, you are AMAZING darlin'!!!

Wish I could say that I lost my hair in such a noble way!!! Not sure why I've lost so much over the past several months, but I'm thinking it's hormonal. Very intriguing how the symptoms of a hormonal imbalance mimic so many other things I've encountered over the past few years!

All-in-all, I have inherited MANY good traits, with overall health being at the top. Most of what I deal with is from an accumulation of stress from chidhood to about my mid-forties and I am working diligently to over come all of that. I don't get sick! I could not tell you the last time I ever had a cold, the flu or any reasonable facsimile!!! I'm just falling apart!!! ROFL! YES, and I have inherited a GOOD sense of humor!!!

I just LOVE your prompts!!!

Ciao bella,