Friday, October 19, 2007

Tongue Twisting Tribulations

Fri 10/19 Blog Prompt: It's Friday and we've almost made it through 'Creative Writing Week'! One last prompt and hopefully this will be challenging but fun... Write your own tongue twister.

Well here it goes:

Indy indicates intense enduring emotions.
Now say that 6 times very fast. LOL

Template by Jill & Jack Scrapdesigns; Wild Tropics paper (c)Dahlia Co Designs; Fonts: Kyanna, Ardenwood Demo


Tammy said...

Wonderful job!! Everyone seems to be doing this challenge very well. We haven't gotten a drop of rain from anything and we are needing it. I hope your mom did ok in the storms.

Neverland Scraps said...

wow, that's a really cool layout! LOVE the colors that you used for those photos, its perfect!

As far as that tongue twister---yeah, I only said it twice before I died laughing!

Linda Walton aka bobbysgirlforever said...

Tink, this layout is FANTABULOUS!!! Blue is my FAVORITE color and this just REALLY caught my eyes! GREAT photos!

I wish I had of been able to participate in your Creative Writing class! I suppose I should share with you that I come from a family of prolific writers. My baby sister is a published author twice over and has a third book in the works. My dear sweet mother at nearly 80 years of age is a bit more than half way through her first novel and has two other books started, one of which is her life in rhyme!

Me? ROFL! I shall stick to scrapbooking, designing and photography! My writing comes about in seasons! Let's just say, it's been a DRY one for some time now!

Have a RELAXING and FUN weekend!


Denise said...

Love the dolphin pictures with that paper! and no I can hardly say it once... lol, good job.