Tuesday, October 09, 2007

And so the Travel Tribulations Commence

Tue 10/9 Blog Prompt: This week's theme is "travel". Let's start off with the bad news about travel. Everyone has at least one travel 'horror' story. Share your worst experience(s) with us.

It has a hot and stormy night. We had been on the road for hours with no lights of the city ahead of us. How much worse could it get....

Okay, that's not how it started, LOL. Actually we drove to Birmingham for a weekend or a couple of days as Pan had to be there for a technical briefing and I was just tagging along as usual. Started out okay. Got there and all settled in. Drove about to see the sites and meet a friend of Pan's for dinner. You know all the good stuff.

But the last night there was truly the night from hell. We didn't have anyone break in as poor Loony did (and this is probably where she got her moniker); nor did I have to sit by a noisy engine as Jennifer did; I also didn't have the car problems Stephani encountered; nor does it involve the bus Tammy was forced to endure.

It was a television. A very loud television in the room next to us. We called the front desk numerous times and their solution was to call the room. Lot of good that did since no one was answering the phone or sending someone up to knock on the door (thank goodness no one had fallen and hurt themself, they would have died before help actually came). It was sometime around 3 or 4 in the morning when they finally had the firemen come out to break open the door (guess they got tired of us calling). And they found a drunk couple in the room. I don't have anything against drinking and I'm all for doing it somewhere where you don't have to be driving, but if you are going to do it in a hotel room, turn the tv off or the sound down.

But I think what got me the most was the hotel offered no apology or anything. A discount on the cost of the room would have been nice. And believe me we aren't going to be staying there again.

Template by Theresa Borntreger; Tropical Fun kit (c)Nana's Attic; Fonts: Toon Town Industrial, Bethel


loonyhiker said...

I'm sorry but I don't mean to laugh but this was funny! I had to read it to my hubby who always has the TV too loud in the hotel room (I'm always telling him to shhhh) but he says no one can hear it! Of course he insists that there is nothing wrong with his hearing!

Sandra said...

I once stayed at the Beverly Hilton with my mother, and I swear to god we could hear the guy next door peeing.


The walls are really thin or he was a powerful pisser. (pardon my French).

Stephani said...

Oh my gosh I can not believe that the hotel did nothing. How annoying! They should have given you a credit or something. An apology...ANYTHING! I wouldn't go there again either. GEEZ! What a nightmare!

Glynis said...

It amazes me sometimes how rude people can be. Thanks for sharing and I love the bright colors of this layout and the photos...beautiful!