I think my biggest dream has always been to be an astronomer. The steps I had taken were classes in college; but I never completed them. Will I ever? I don't know, but I might. Only the future will tell :)
I would like to visit Hong Kong and Germany again. I also would like to stop by for a visit in Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, Rome, Greece and Australia. The first three to visit the places of my or Pan's ancestors; the second two because of my fasination with mythology and the last just because I always wanted to.
what beautiful photos you capture! I love how you are scrapping them as well.
What do I dream about? I only dream about my husband coming home from overseas and hopefully being able to add to the family. Neither of those can be accomplished while DH is away and I've gotten my dream job (announcing this coming week) as well as Im a mother to two daughters who are best friends. I can't dream of anything else that would top that, unless of course you count meeting our Creator, but Im not ready to leave just yet. ;)
Great list of dreams, Tink. I hope you get to do them all!
Neverland, I sure hope DH makes it back soon to help add to that family of yours, :) I've been keeping an eye out on your blog so I could be the first to hear about the dream job. Congratulations.
Thanks Glynis.
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