Friday, October 13, 2006

Did You Say Occupation Tribulations?

Friday Blog Prompt: Would you choose differently if you could choose your occupation again? Why? How?

I have always wanted to be an astronomer, so if I could choose differently that is what I would chose to be. I could still do it, just by going back to college. Right now that is finding time around the little ones. Always seems to little ones running around, lol. Still the opportunity is there.

I really have enjoyed the jobs I have had in the past. And I am glad that I have had the experiences that each provided, so I am not sure that I would want to give that up just to be an astronomer.


Kirsten N. Namskau said...

You will find the time when the time is ripe.

Elizabeth said...

what a cool thing to want to be! :)

maybe you can still do it one day!

Anonymous said...

I'm planning on finishing my last few credits when my son is older so that I can go back to teaching. I loved teaching literature and writing.

Left it to earn a decent living to support my son and I, and for us to have good insurance benefits.

I enjoy what I do now so thankfully it's not to much of a sacrifice.

PS. Thanks for your support. I am starting to feel better and more back to normal mentally. Or as normal as I can be on any given day. :)

Jenny said...

Hey Tink I love your fall pages in your Slide.

Glynis said...

I hope you reach your dreams!

Anonymous said...

wow, you are ambitious, even if just in your dreams!I think that is so brave and wonderful.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to find the time. I hope you can.

loonyhiker said...

I've tried to look at the stars and identify the constellations but I'm hopeless. I took astronomy in college and I think I got the lowest grade (in fact, my prof said I broke the record for the lowest grade he has ever had to give). I was so pitiful that the jocks were tutoring me instead of the other way around!

Mrs_Who said...

Do you ever read Stephen Hawkings' works? I understand the words while I'm reading it, but when I close the book, I'm trying to shake my brain back together.

carin.c said...

I just commented to someone that although I might go back and do differently I can't help but feel that all the different experiences I have had up to this point were building blocks for something yet to come. So perhaps if that something comes I'd not want to go back and change things. I'll just have to wait and see!