Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dream Sequence

Blog Prompt: Dream - A series of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations occurring involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. Do you dream a lot? Do you remember them when you awake? Do they leave you feeling refreshed and happy or drained? Do they have any effect on you during the day, whether you remember the contents or not?

A lot of times I remember my dreams and wish I had not. Mine are bizarre and unsettling at the best and terrifying at the worse. Many times they are repetitive. Those, I think, are the worse. I feel as if I should be gleaming some important information from them, but can’t quite grasp it.

And until recently I never dreamed about people I knew or had ever seen. Now some of my family members have been sneaking in, hiding in the house that has no end, going from room to room, never knowing what you are looking for.

I wish they would leave me refreshed, but they don’t I feel tired and drained after some of them, leaving me wondering which is the real world. And when they go on for too long, I don’t even want to fall asleep.

Pink Parfait (c)Doreen Stoltz; Alpha (c)Equipe Criando Kits - Curso ValGouveia; Template 125 by Neverland Scraps; Fonts: Arial


Bao Mirana said...

pretty one LO !
would like to thank you also for your comment on my blog.

loonyhiker said...

Maybe if you can call the family member that you dream about, it would help. Sometimes when I am worried about someone, they will appear in my dream. Calling them helps me feel reassured.