Monday, March 16, 2009

Blog Prompt: What does it mean to be you?

"To be nobody but myself -- in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else -- means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight, and never stop fighting." ~ E. E. Cummings ~

I am a complex person. Compassionate and caring on one side, but flip that coin and you could get a raging bull. Most would describe me as being too kind. I guess I am. I don’t like to see anyone hurt or hurting. But on occasions, I have been the one to cause that hurt. I have had to learn to temper that rage through the years. And now that I have reached and barely surpassed middle age, I think I have come close. But still it simmers below the surface for that one time, that one occasion when being kind or compassionate has caused me pain.

Let it Rock (c)A Work in Progress and Sweet Blossom Designs; Template by Kimb's designs; Fonts: Arial, iNked God

1 comment:

loonyhiker said...

I think part of maturing (notice I didn't say aging) means that you able to control your emotions better. We become wiser and realize the impact of our actions on other people but I don't think we ever stop growing emotionally. Thanks for sharing.