Sunday, March 15, 2009

Birthing Pains

WARNING: There will be a brief mention of certain female reproductive parts and another word for rear ends. If this will in any way embarrass or offend you, please do not read further.

Sometimes it is better to wait before scrapping a page, such as the birth of a child.

I had only gotten around to doing one of Indy's pages but the wait was worth it.
The other night as he was suppose to be going to sleep and I was working on my computer, he wanted to see pictures of himself as a baby. I showed him these, taken in the hospital, the day he was born.

After staring at them for a few minutes, he very seriously turned to Pan & myself and asked if this was the day his mommy pooped him out of her butt. Trying not to laugh, I explained that he had been in her uterus and came through the vagina.

After another few moments of silence he turned once more with another question.

"I came from China?" he said excitedly. "Can I speak Chinese?" We lost it.

(and yes, mother, I know it should say 'asked excitedly' but that's how I put it on the page and I'm not redoing it, LOL)

Enzo (c) Mycrevette; sketch by Cherie Averill; Fonts: Arial Narrow, Dad's Recipe, Barber Shop

1 comment:

loonyhiker said...

This was so cute that I even had to share it with my hubby! LOL Thanks for sharing this story.