Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Blog Prompt: Accomplishments & Consequences

What is the most important thing you have to accomplish today? What would be the consequence if it did not get done?

Remember to make my hair appointment. My hair grows so fast and missing an appointment adds an additional half inch to my mop. It has already grown enough to be interferring. It is hard to remember that a year and half ago it was past my waist and I have managed to keep it at shoulder length since. But the consequences of letting it get long include headaches and I don't really want to have to go through those again.

It might be a good idea for me to remember that it is the Bomb’s 29th birthday too. Forgetting that may make things just a tad stickier than they already are, LOL.

Remember You (c)Doreen Stolz; Template set 5 by Doreen Stolz; Font: Yukon Gold

1 comment:

loonyhiker said...

My hair used to be below my waist when I got married and then when I lost all of it (due to stress), I had kept it short. Now that I've retired, I've decided to let it grow long again and save money from getting regular hair cuts. Happy Birthday to Bombshell!