Monday, March 02, 2009

Blog Prompt: Motherhood

Let's start out the month by writing about what being a mother means. Now if you are not a mother, you have several options. You can write about what you think it means, or you can write about being a sister, a daughter, an aunt... You get the picture

What does it mean to be a mother? You would think with 3 generations to ask, that a decent answer could be given. But not so, as every woman, man and child has a different idea of what a mother should be.

I am blessed with a mother that I can also, now, consider a friend as well as confidant. She has been a sounding board for all my woes and tribulations trying to make my own way through motherhood. I hope that I can be that to my own daughter.

Motherhood is an experience that literally is without end. For once you begin this journey it will be with you the rest of your life. All the good times, all the bad; the tragedies and joys. It's definitely a one-of-a-kind experience.

Cherries Jubilee (c)Silvia Romeo; Fonts: Beyond Wonderful, Bodoni MT


Linda Walton aka bobbysgirlforever said...

WOW! AWESOME layout and INCREDIBLE blog prompt Tink! You have already got this girl in tears as I find it difficult to put into words EXACTLY what MOTHERHOOD means to me!

I am sure our thoughts on MOTHERHOOD vary throughout the stages of our lives and I, like you, have a VERY open relationship with my biological mother whom I've known now for 11-1/2 years. I, likewise, have the same type of relationship with my daughters and even my sons most of time! *smile* They will call me and tell me ANYTHING knowing that I shall NEVER stand in judgement or tell them just HOW I would do it or how they shouldn't!!! Sorry, guess you can now share a glimpse of how I was brought up, although the dynamics of that relationship has changed drastically in that there is no longer one! LOL!

MOTHERHOOD in ALL of it's glory, good/bad, happy/sad, is BY FAR, the MOST joyous and fulfilling part of my life. Being a mother of six has worked out MORE patience in me than one could imagine and I am sure that figures into the LOW blood pressure that I maintain to this day! ROFL! For that, I am EXTREMELY thankful! *wink*

Being a mother has taught me MORE than the world ever could alone. The dynamics of a mother-child relationship can, in my estimation, not be matched in any other way or by any other person than a child. It surely is a BOND that can NEVER be broken even for those who sadly may try to do so. You can NEVER "completely" let go of a life that has has found it's beginning within your womb, being nurtured and protected in preparation for life on the "outside"!

PHEW! In much simpler terms - MOTHERHOOD ROCKS ... and then SOME!

Love atcha girlie and I thank you for gracing my blog with your presence and wisdom and I wish you an INCREDIBLE week!

Linda :)

Linda Walton aka bobbysgirlforever said...

I just came back to the computer and started to close windows when I did a double-take of your layout! QUESTION. Is that YOUR sofa in the photo? Upon your answer, I will explain why I am SO intrigued and wish to know!!! He, he ...

loonyhiker said...

You are so right that parenting is never ending! I still worry about my children who are in their 30s and my 90 year old dad still worries about me!

Anonymous said...

I think you answered this question 2 posts down :-)