Monday, March 30, 2009

Problem Solving

Blog Prompt: “You have to remember: Problems can be solved. There is something you can do.” ~Jim Hensen. What are your steps to solving problems?

I try to think them through. Sometimes I can redo it to make it right (crafts, work, etc). If it has something to do with social interaction, though, I usually make the problem worse, as my temper tends to flare. (You are all getting to see the bad side of me this time around).

What I really need to do is learn to keep my mouth shut and let someone else do the talking for me. It would be better if it was Pan, who is much more tactful and sensitive than I am under those circumstances. And if I feel the need to do the talking, I need to learn to wait a day or two before doing so, not that it would help once I get my dander up. Still I should try.

Crossroads QP (c)Mabelle Santiago-Rubia; Font: Arial


Mrs. Who said...

This is such a joyful picture! Lovin' it!

Harvey said...


I'd never suspect you of having a temper. Your writing strikes me as being thoughtful and level-headed.

loonyhiker said...

Sometimes I write a nasty response back in a word document so I can get all my nastiness out when I am mad. Then I will wait a day or two and revise my response to a more appropriate, tactful answer. This tends to keep me out of trouble.