Mon 10/29 Blog Prompt: Happy Monday!! In what areas do you feel you have knowledge you can pass on to others? What a interesting question. There are so many different directions I can go with this one, LOL. If we were asking
Bug, I am sure she would say that the knowledge I can pass along is where to find what in the Bible.
My boys are another story altogether. They call with car problems. I use to work in a paint & body shop. The front office was quiet, 99% of the time, so I would head out back and help out by taking apart and putting the engine back together. But they call Pan with computer problems. Speaking of which, so do I, hahahaha.
Nuke would also say that I taught him all the finer points of how to drink properly too. You know, don't drink the cheap stuff, drink in moderation, don't drink & drive, have a designated driver, etc.
Scamp likes to keep me on my toes in the legal department, as he will call when a question of legality comes up, be it consumer or a friend going through a divorce. In this case, I can really only give him common sense advise.... See a lawyer.
Bombshell calls when she wants to know how to make guacamole or how she can tell what is wrong with one of the kids. Basic mother know-how, that all mothers excel at unless you are actually going through it at the time, LOL.
Most family members call on myself or my BIL, Bear, when they want to know who played in a movie. Don't laugh, this is serious trivia here.
I'm deviating from the vacation pages today and the next two days to focus on Halloween. These are from last year and star Derek M. Design's kits. Thanks Derek for some terrific kits.
Template by Mich for Snap & Scrap; Cast Iron kit & elements from Googleye & Skelegance (c)DerekMDesign; Commercial use clip (c)Brenda Miller; Fonts: Secretary