Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Child, A Dream, A Tribulation

Tue 6/17 Blog Prompt: Write a dream page for a/your child(ren)
My dearest children and grandchildren, My only wishes and dreams for each of you is that you find peace within yourself; that your life work be something that inspires you; that you find your soul mate, if that is what you think your future will need. I hope that the values and virtues I have tried to instill will continue to nurture you and help you find your way. Although I do hope you have happiness, I do not include it in my dream for you, as strength & character are built from adversity & we all know adversity does not usually inspire happiness. Dream on my loved ones and reach for the stars.
Aidan Again (c)retrodiva {designs}™; template by Tabrizia; font: MamaeQueNosFaz


loonyhiker said...

Somehow I just knew you would get stars in this letter! LOL Very nicely done!

ArtcTrish said...

Very well written! Your kids must be great kids!