It has been a week of devastating information; some of which ended up good; one which did not.
Several weeks ago, my doctor thought I had developed a rare form of skin cancer under my toenail. I had to have half the nail taken off and biopsied. I was not to concerned until the 10 days had passed and I called her assistant to verify that it wasn't. The lab had called the day before and said they needed to know where on my toe the sample came from. Come on people, either it is cancerous or it is not. So I had another day of waiting, this time in abject terror. But it came out well for me. It was a bruise.
Then last Wednesday, my daughter's best friend had to have surgery for a cancerous tumor on her thyroid. Their prognosis after the surgery.... They didn't think she would have to undergo radiation therapy. Jumping up and down for joy. Another good piece of news.
But that night or actually the next morning around 4/4:30ish, Pan received a call from his office. His boss had been in a fatal motorcycle accident and had died. We were all in shock. I guess we still are. He was a wonderful man who would scimp to save a penny; but with a heart as big as Texas when you needed anything, including money. His laugh was infectious and when he did laugh his face would turn a bright beet red. He is sorely missed by all who had the opportunity to know him.
He was on his way home from a late night at the office when as far as anyone can tell, a truck made a u-turn in front of him. He went sailing over the shield and hit the left rear panel of the truck. It is being investigated as a vehicular homicide although it is not clear yet if it was.
While I would be the first to advocate the wearing of helmets while riding a motorcycle, he would not. And to be honest, I really don't think in this occasion it would have been of any use. But please be safe, wear a helmet if you are going to be riding a motorcyle. Not everyone is as considerate of them as I always try to be.
And while we mourn his death, we also have to wonder what the future is going to bring for us and the other 200+ employees he has. It was his desire that the company continue and this past week his wife and employees have done all to make sure that it went on business as usual. His wife wants to honor his request and as long as others involved agree, 200+ people will continue to be employed.
But if I don't post much in the next week or so, we are going to be pretty busy around here.