My first impulse would be the head straight to the Museum of Natural History. Oh, I love art and love visiting art museums, but am more of a natural history type of person. I've been to them from Hawaii to San Fransciso to Chicago to Orlando with a lot in-between. There is just something about wandering around a museum and seeing what life and history was like in years gone by. Then if there was enough time, a quick pop over to the art museum. :)

Love your layout with all that glitter. All shiny for the season. And I had to grab one of those Christmas trees. What a great toy for the blog.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your Christmas tree and gift! Hope you like the one I have left for you!!!
GORGEOUS layout - LOVE The GLITTER!!! Hmmm .... somehow I would not think that would surprise you!
I'm with you on, "what's baking?"!!! I was explaining to Robert last week how I USED to LOVE to make a graham cracker crust and make "no-bake" pies. His quick response to that was in the form of a question - "how come you don't do that any more?" ROFL! I don't think I've baked anything sweet in the nearly seven years that we've been together and this man can develop a BIG sweet tooth at a moment's notice!!! Hmmm ... perhaps NEXT year ... he, he! I think I sort of burnt (no pun intended) myself out as I used to do A LOT of baking, which started in my early teens.
Oh, and on the subject of Christmas cards - if I actually get these printed and mailed (a big chuckle here), this will be my second year in a row to send them out in a mighty long time. I have to admit that once I'd found virtual greeting cards, it was just SO darn easy to send them with a click of my mouse as opposed to HOURS, if not DAYS, of writing personal notes and addressing envelopes!!!
Now I design, print and will usually add a short personal note to the back of each one. I LOVE to create coordinating address labels to easily peel 'n stick on each envelope before sealing them up and giving them a STAMP of approval!
SWEET DREAMS when you get there sweetie ...
I bet the museum in Hawaii was cool! Maybe I will get there one day!
I love history museums too...and that layout is BEAUTIFUL!!
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