that I had all my kids home for Christmas. Actually that is more of a daydream than a dream at night. I tend to have night terrors and try very hard to forget them. So I start my nights with pleasant daydreams to ward them off (sometimes it works, LOL). But lately, I have really been dreaming of having both boys and my daughter all together again for Christmas, along with spouse, special friends and children.
We would open one gift each on Christmas Eve then watch "The Night They Saved Christmas," before putting the children to bed and then watch one or two of the Christmas Carols I have on hand before heading to bed ourselves. Pan & I would rise early the next morning (okay, I'll get up early and make Pan get up with me), so he could tape black cats to the bedrooms doors before we started knocking to get them up (we actually did that to the boys when they were younger, it was a hoot). Into the living room to see what Santa brought and take down stockings filled with oranges, nuts and peppermint sticks, while the table is decked with danishes, fruit and hot cocoa. Afterwards we would pile all the other gifts into our cars as we headed over to mom's or ddpups and Pan's parents homes to celebrate even more.
Yes, that would be a lovely dream come true.
And about the layout below, this is especially for you Linda. I am the one in reddish brown shirt circa 25 years ago, LOL.

i like this page. cool design to create the feeling of your time together.
You did mention "special friends"...Okay, I'm on my way! LOL Your Christmas sounds wonderful and I hope your dream comes true!
The reason I'm here today is that I was tagged by mom2triplets04 and had to tag someone with the letter T. So here I am. It's official you are tagged.
Go to my blog for rules
Oh TINK!!! You are such a DARLIN'! I am QUITE honored to have this layout created with ME in mind!!! Such a FABULOUS collage of family Christmas photos (wish I had a few) and you have such a LOVELY family. Look, you and I are both brunettes too!!! Well ... I've got some gray going on (when my shampoo-in color washes out - ROFL!) and I can SO relate to your statement about being more rotund!!! I like to look at it as part of our cycle of life and that it is proof POSITIVE that we've actually given birth to a few PRECIOUS babes!!!
WOW girl - you SURELY are getting a lot of scrapping done! I just might have to think about looking into some templates to help me along! However, I really need to get down to some SERIOUS scanning and that shall have to wait until NEXT year!!!
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