Friday, January 26, 2007

Weekend Trips and Tribulations

Friday 1/26 Blog Prompt: You're packing for a weekend away from your family. You're going to be seeing a bunch of online friends for the first time at, oh I don't know, maybe a CHA tradeshow in California. What do you pack? What do you wear???

Taking a break from organizing a room for a cup of green tea.... :) (and yes, mom, I got started before 7 this morning, LOL. But still haven't made much of a dent.)

I would probably wear slacks, blouse and loose, buttonless jacket with either sandals or sneakers. Something comfortable, definitely. Hair would be pulled back, unless I was fortunate enough to have it all chopped off before going.

Packing would include more comfortable slacks and jeans; if I was wearing sneakers then the sandals would be packed and vice versa. Pajamas, definitely pajamas. Aspirin and Imodium. If we got the Princess' laptop reformatted then I would pack that as well for the purpose of downloading all the pictures that I would be taking with the camera which would be my carry-on. If it is not reformatted then I guess I would just have to purchase more memory cards to carry me through.

I tend to just pack what is necessary, not what I think I might need. Figure if I forget anything, I can just buy it there.


loonyhiker said...

I'm sorry but I had to laugh about the aspirin and imodium. My hubby packs a whole medicine chest whenever we go somewhere. He says you never know when you might need something.

Anonymous said...

Ah that's the approach of the true traveller. Don't weigh yourself down with any baggage you might not need.

Roses said...

If Harvey's blog is any indication, you pack chocolate syrup and you wear chaps.

Good luck with both of those.