Monday, January 08, 2007

Tribulations of a Neglected Computer

Hi Folks, I'm Tink's computer. And while I am not neglected normally, she has left me to my own devises for nearly a month. I DO NOT like that at all. And then to let a young thing play on me so she can go cavorting around the house with a 2 year old, well that is just not acceptable.

So I am doing the only thing I can to retaliate. I'm shutting down. Kaput, gone, left the building, etc. You get my drift. We're all in this together. The D drive thinks she spends to much time with the external hd; the C drive is making funny noises just to annoy her and the wireless pen and mouse are no longer in sync with the monitor.

So if Tink suddenly seems to disappear (wicked chortle), you will know we have had our revenge.


Anonymous said...

Dear computer,
Please don't be mad at Tink because this is no way to start out the new year. Sometimes life has a way of, well, getting in the way. She doesn't love you any less. I know because my hubby threatens to throw out my laptop when he gets jealous of it. Try to be more understanding and patient. Maybe you should just go get defragged or something to help calm you down. It will all get better one way or another.

Denise said...

Hang in there Tink!

Anonymous said...

please, computer, let Tink play some more. she will give you more attention later, when she has the time...LOL- love this!

Anonymous said...

Please, please, oh master of the Internet, let Tink come play some more! She'll lovingly caress your appendages, and stoke your innards with a blaze of keystrokes, if you'll just let her!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, that poor computer!