Thursday, January 25, 2007

Pre-nubiance Tribulations

Thurs 1/25 Blog Prompt: Between the ages of 5 and 10, what was your favorite activity?

Barbie dolls; imaginary people in the ground; cartwheels, splits and backbends on the front lawn with mom; turtles; hide and seek; laying on the lawn and watching the stars, picking out the different constellations; walking dolls and giant panda bears; the Flintstones on Wednesday night; Batman on Thursday night (same bat time, same bat station); Tarzan, Jungle Jim and Shirley Temple on the weekends; walking home from school.

There was no way to restrict it to just one.


Roses said...

I liked to play outside.
Crawl in the dirt.
Climb trees.
Ride my bike.

Mostly climb trees.

Michelle said...

sounds like you were quite the busy child! you must have had a great time with all those activities!

carin.c said...

And I forgot about cartwheels splits & backbends... and great memories walking home from school.