Friday, January 12, 2007

Time and Tribulations

Friday 1/12 Blog Prompt: If you could freeze time for less than an hour, and you’d be the only living thing that’s “alive” in that moment - What would you do? Why you wouldn’t be able to do it if everything were normal and the time weren’t frozen?

I don't know. I really can't think of anything that I wouldn't be able to do in normal time. Maybe I should go read other posts to see what they had written; but that just wouldn't seem right, LOL.

It would definitely have to be more than an hour for me to even begin to come up with something and probably more like a day or two. I have an hour or less each morning to devote just myself (and isn't that pretty close to having time frozen for an hour?) and during which, I blog, drink a cup or two of hot green tea and read my emails. Sometimes, like this morning, I watch what programs they have on HD Discovery. These are relatively difficult to accomplish during the day with Indy and/or the Princess around. And the evenings, I try to devote to Pan. So I cherish my hour in the morning.


Glynis said...

It's so great that you get some set time to yourself each day...I try to as well, but you're right that with little ones around, you become a lot less self-centered :)

Toni said...

It is such a positive thing to have time each day for us, I used to think this was a bit greedy, now I know it makes me a better person every day and that means I am the best I can be for everyone else the rest of the day.

Laura said...

I also treasure those moments alone. It usually does not happen until they are both in bed.

Paula May said...

I love having time for myself each day as well!

ComfyMom~Stacey said...

Time to yourself is a wonderful thing. I usually get mine in the evenings after the boys bedtime