Wednesday, April 08, 2009

No Housework Day... Yeah

Blog prompt: Today is No Housework Day. What is one household chore would you love never having to do again and why?

Oh wait a minute that was yesterday. Once again, a day late and a dollar short. But oh well. One household chore, huh? That's a toughie since I hate all housework. But if I had to chose one it would be floors. Mopping, vacuuming, picking up. There always seems to be something you have to do to floors.

Star Struck (c)Connie Prince & Lisa West; Font: BlackJack


Tammy said...

You and I hate the same housework for sure. How do you like this late cold snap?? hehehe

Linda Walton aka bobbysgirlforever said...

LOVELY layout Tink!

I am with you on the floors. I have been accustomed to scrubbing my floors down on my hands and knees, however since battling with the health issues, I am not as inclined to do so as much these days and REALLY would prefer not to have to! :)

Wishing you a WONDERFUL Wednesday!

Linda :)

Linda Walton aka bobbysgirlforever said...

I did forget to mention that I do enjoy doing housework (but not if it interferes with my design-time!) and find it VERY therapeutic! If I get upset about anything, I clean although, those times are far and few between! *wink*

Linda :)

loonyhiker said...

I would gladly trade your floors and Tammy's for my bathrooms! Too bad we didn't live closer! LOL