Monday, April 27, 2009

Eh, What is that you say?

Blog prompt: Today is Morse Code Day. Do you know another language? If so, how long have you known it? If not, tell one that you would like to learn and why.

At one time I knew two other languages, German and Latin. But like other things, if you don't use them you lose them. I can still ask if speak German in German and sing Jingle Bells in Latin (that's my kids favorite).

But whether I or not I speak the language today, knowing them has helped tremendously in comprehending the English language. Latin has been especially helpful in that regard as so much of the English language is derived from it.

Dinosaur Daze (c)Kristin Aagard; Template (c)Simply Yin; Fonts: Trashed, Arial Unicode MS


loonyhiker said...

Wow! You are multilingual! :) You are right about if you don't use it, you lose it. I took 8 years of French in high school and college but never used it. Now I still recognize words I see but that is about it.

Mrs. Who said...

I took Latin in high school...and you're helps so much with deciphering unknown words.