Thursday, April 09, 2009

Antique Showcase

Blog prompt: Today is National Cherish an Antique Day. What is something you own that you think will someday be considered a valuable antique? Describe it.

I have an orange juicer that belonged to my grandfather. He used at his bar for making drinks. It stands about 1 1/2 feet tall and is made of metal. Unlike today's juicers where you have to apply pressure with your hand or the electric ones, this has a handle that you pulled down. Easy to clean as the parts where the orange or grapefruit half are put comes out. I'll have to remember where I hid it from the kids and dig it back out to get a picture.

Shy Guy (c)Colie's Corner; Template by Connie Prince; Font: BlackJack, Chicago House_trial


loonyhiker said...

A juice with a handle would come in handy if you use it a lot! Hope you find it because I'd love to see a picture.

Tammy said...

OH yes, show us a picture of it. It sounds wonderful.