Tuesday, April 07, 2009

More Photo Study

The kids finally discovered the tons of fabric donated by my darling sister, ddpuppies and mom, which I finally got to pick up this past weekend. So we had fun last evening.

The Princess is really into Twilight and when Indy decided he wanted his picture taken last night, she thought it would be the perfect time to get those "Twilight" like photos. She was really thrilled with this one.

And was ecstatic when she discovered that her eyes were the same colors as the fully fed Edward. She oohed and awwed over this photo for some time.

There was also some time for just pure entertainment and a little movement.

Or someone wanting to build a portfolio for GQ

In the end I got to get a little practice in with lighting and focus.

For family and friends the full size, unaltered photos are on my facebook.


Tammy said...

I can't wait to see the movie and I loved the books so much. Looks like the kids had a great time.

Mrs. Who said...

They had fun...and looked so cool, too!

loonyhiker said...

We spent last night in Forks, WA which is the setting for Twilight. But I never did see any vampires (even though we looked for them!)

Linda Walton aka bobbysgirlforever said...

ABSOLUTELY stunning work my friend!!! WOO HOO!!! WOWSERS! I want to play now! :)

I did not know you were on FB - can I be your friend? I am listed as Linda Walton, e-mail: lindawalton (at) caltel (dot) com.

TWILIGHT is SO popular that when Robert and I visited the Mountain Bookstore this past weekend, that is all we heard everyone talking about! LOL! Geared towards the younger crowd and predominantly women, the store owner did admit that many older women are reading the series as well! Blogs, Facebook, the digi-scrapping world is talking about TWILIGHT!

Keep up the AMAZING photography sweetie!

Linda :)