Friday, February 20, 2009

Blog Prompt - Describe a special project

you may be working on right now.

Special project, huh? Well that probably would be the personal studio I putting together to take portraits of the grands from time to time. I have the lights, the sheets to diffuse the lights and, of course, the camera and tripod. Mom has gathered some fabric for me to use as backdrops (just as soon as I pick it up from her house). And I still need to get some dashboard savers for directing the light. A single work light would be a good investment, I think. They are less than $10 and I already have a hook in the ceiling to hang it from (before your minds start slipping too far, it is for the Christmas tree).

I have been having fun with what I have so far and even the photographer at the newspaper was pretty impressed. Speaking of photos, I just found the dvd with the Christmas pictures my sister took. I'll have to take a look at them in a moment or two. Um, after I finish this.

(Mom, thanks for the tip. I ran this through word and there was nary a mistake in it, spelling or otherwise.)

Amanda Carlson (template); Cherry Cheesecake (c)A work in Progress; Fonts: Digs My Hart, Broken 15


loonyhiker said...

I bet your studio looks great! I enjoy seeing the layouts you do too. By the way, I write all my blog posts in Word and then copy and paste it into blogger. This is also a great way to save my posts in case I ever switch blog servers or if Blogger ever loses my blog.

Tammy said...

Oh Tink. I didn't know you were a serious photographer. I guess I haven't been paying attention. You must show us pictures.

I cut and past from word all the time too. So much easier.