1. Without anyone watching you (they will think you are GOOFY......) and while sitting at your desk in front of your computer, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.
2. Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the air with your right hand. Your foot will change direction. I told you so!!! And there's nothing you can do about it! You and I both know how stupid it is, but before the day is done you are going to try it again, if you've not already done it.
Merlot at Midnight alpha (c)Michelle Swadling; Apple Orchard kit (c)Colie's Corner; Template by Michelle Filo - Pencil Lines
Yes, I admit that I tried it as soon as I read this. Luckily no one was in the room with me!
Hey, it works. I tried to concentrate on not letting my foot change direction and it just got totally confused. Proving that it matches my brain for intelligence.
I see an eyeball. You take weird pictures Sis and yet they always turn out.
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