Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Blog Prompt - I spend a lot

of time online because...

I don't spend that much time online anymore. I write on my blog, upload layouts to my galleries, read my favorite blogs and once a week I try to check for new templates and sketches. Other than templates, I don't download as many freebies as I once did. In fact, I'm culling through them now and trying to organize the ones I want to keep. Arrrgghhh... :)

NOTE to Linda: The blog prompts are for anyone who is interested and wants to participate. You are more than welcome to answer it in the comments or even make a post of it on your blog.

For those who are interested, the photos in the layout below are taken using my "studio light" (the $18 dollar halogen work light). Not professional but good enough for me.

Such a Girl (c)Veronica Hurly; template by Amber Reimer; Font: Arial


Evangelesse said...

I've had to cut back on the freebie downloads and am trying to organize and weed out myself. I feel your pain!

loonyhiker said...

I'm glad you are online to blog! I love reading your blog and seeing what is going on in your life. Even though we have never met face to face, I feel as if I have known you for a long time just from reading your blog all this time. I'm so glad to have you as my friend!

Linda Walton aka bobbysgirlforever said...

OMGosh, the portraits are FABULOUS Tink and I am putting that $18 halogen work light on my FATTY wish list!!! He, he ....

I am online A LOT because for me it IS real life, it is my job and will be even more so in the near future.

I started college to pursue a career in computer programming, so I guess I've ALWAYS had a LOVE of working on my PC!

An interesting tidbit to go along with this prompt - I just recently read that regular computer usage is now doing the same thing for keeping our minds active as crossword puzzles and such have for the past few decades. That is JUST what I needed hear to substantiate my nearly ALL day use of my computer and the Internet!!! ROFL!

I LOVE to research and it is FREE aside from paying for the DSL service each month!!! I have found LOST LOVED ONES, diagnosed my own health issues and on and on and on and ONLINE!

Night sweetie ...

Linda Walton aka bobbysgirlforever said...

Tink, thank you for answering my question about blog prompts!