Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Blog Prompt: Can you survive without e-mail?

How has it changed your life?

Well, I think the last several months has proved that I can successfully live without email. I, even now, have a hard time remembering to check it consistantly.

As far as how it has changed my life... I think it has kept me more in touch with family members who live far away. I enjoy getting email telling me that Honey has uploaded more pictures of the Ballerina for me to download and see. Pictures that would have taken days even weeks to get, I see immediately.

But perhaps the better question should be... Could I survive without my cellphone. LOL

Template by Made By Mitzi; A Breath of Nature by Verena Karolyi; Fonts: Misproject; Baby Boston


loonyhiker said...

I love staying connected with family through email. Only problem is that I check it about 5 times a day! LOL

Linda Walton aka bobbysgirlforever said...

Oh Tink, I am OVERWHELMED with e-mail and four or five e-mail addresses! HELP! ROFL!

I just recently joined Facebook on an active basis as my 81-year-old mother has gathered her flock and then some!

Not a bad deal as it turns out because I can now actually MIX business with pleasure! Of course, as an avid scrapbooker yourself, you just HAVE to know that my business is also my pleasure! LOL!

I have also, just this past week, made connection with a 51-year-old first cousin, once-removed, for the VERY first time in our lives! He has helped to connect the HUGE gap in my family circle on my father's side!

Anyhoo, I don't think I could LIVE without e-mail as it keeps me connected with my loved ones on a more regular basis. And then, perhaps even MORE so seeing as how I DO NOT have a cell phone! I do have a good long-distance plan on my landline though. :)

I LOVE your layout of your trip to China! WOW! That is a FABULOUS experience for sure!

Have a GORGEOUS day my friend!

Love and hugs,
Linda *hearts*

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Not the cellphone too! You'lL turn into a hermit Tink.