Saturday, May 09, 2009

Sisters, sisters

There were never such devoted sisters (Rosemary Clooney)

Being the oldest of three girls, you would think I would have loads of memories to blog about. Truth is, I don’t. My younger sister was my best friend and confidant during school years. And the baby sister (bug for you not in the know) became a best friend and alarm clock once we had something in common….children. That isn’t to say we didn’t get along all the while. We did. And that’s just it. There aren’t too many funny stories I recall to relate. They probably know more about me than I know of them.

Of course, there is the time ddpups & I painted the trailer our folks were renting with turpentine. That was back in the days when parents could spank their children without fear of being hauled in for abuse. I sure learned never to paint a trailer with turpentine, lol. And I don’t think the spanking made my sister or I into raving lunatics.

Vintage Sweetheart (c)Karen Lewis; Font: Arial


Linda Walton aka bobbysgirlforever said...

How funny that your prompt today be about sisters. Today is my oldest sister's birthday! We are actually half-sisters, as out of ten siblings, I am the only child from my parent's union.

I was five when my sister, Mandy turned 18, graduated from high school and was soon out on her own. One thing the two of us have in common is that we both left home as soon as we were old enough to! There's a whole lot of history in that last sentence!

Anyhoo, I was fortunate enough to hook up with my sister after I had left home and even lived with her for a while. We became close and Mandy was actually like the mother I didn't have, which was very cool! We both LOVED to dance and would spend the weekends, dancing at a country-western/pop club. My sister drank straight grapefruit juice and I drank water, but BOY, OH BOY, did we have a GOOD time! One day, I shall have to post the poem I wrote for her when I was 21 and REALLY out on my own!

LOVE your SISTERS layout Tink and the way you have staggered the photos. What a great span of time. I started high school in 1969, graduated in 1972 and became pregnant with baby #3 the end of 1981! Thank you for the walk down memory lane!

Wishing you a VERY "Happy Mother's Day"!!! May it be filled with LOVE, JOY and HAPPINESS! I just KNOW it will be!

Linda :)

Linda Walton aka bobbysgirlforever said...

BTW - although I was abused and sustained more beatings, switchings or smackdowns than spankings, I did spank my own children (I was also aware of the incoming statistics that MANY abused children were becoming abusive parents and I cried out to God that I NOT become one EVER), all six of them and they or I have not become raving lunatics. Hmmmm ... well, perhaps my children might have a different perspective! ROFL!