Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Retro Telly

Blog Prompt - Did you have a favorite TV show as a child or youth? Or radio show?

I remember on Saturday afternoons watching Jungle Jim and Tarzan with Johnny Weissmuller and Shirley Temple. Who can forget the "Good Ship Lollipop?" Of course, on Wednesday nights there was "The Flintstones" and Thursdays "Batman."

In my early teens, mom, ddpup and I would sit in the living room and listen to "The Green Hornet" on the radio. Many times with encyclopedias flopped open on the floor as we were looking up on thing or another.

Super Safari (c)Connie Prince; Font: Broken 15


Tammy said...

I remember those Tink for sure.

loonyhiker said...

Ahhh, I remember Shirley Temple movies. I found out that my public library has many of them on VHS and DVD so I watch them when I can. They are still great movies!

Harvey said...

Big fan of the Muppet Show.

Turns out they're on DVD now, so I'm in the process of watching.