Sunday, March 23, 2008

Meme: Passion Quilt

I was tagged by a marvelous friend, wife, mother and teacher, Mrs. Who to do this meme:


1. Post a picture or make/take/create your own that captures what YOU are most passionate for students to learn about.
2. Give your picture a short title.
3. Title your blog post “Meme: Passion Quilt.”
4. Link back to this blog entry.
5. Include links to 5 (or more) educators.

For more information on the battle of Thermopylae click on image
"To build your future you must know your past"

I am most passionate about students learning history. From the development of our first cities until today, there is so much that can harvested to help build a better future for everyone. What treasures can we find, what jewels are hidden among the years.

By not having the knowledge of our past we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors (and the way things are going, sometimes I feel we are not really taking a look back). And you don't have to be a student to continue learning. It is a lifetime pursuit.

Take a moment now... Go read a history book, watch the History or Discovery Time channel, rent a dvd om history, look it up on the internet. Trust me, there is something worthwhile to look into. Share what you find here. I would love to learn it too.

And who am I going to tag?

Loonyhiker, a retired special needs teacher
Tammy, also a retiree but who I know has a passion for boxer rescues
Glynis, a wife, mother and engineer who has tremendous insight into her faith
Karooch, a scrapbook advocate and teacher of the same
Love2Scrap, a mother who home schooled her children and a fantastic photographer


Mrs. Who said...

Oh, very good, Tink!

Tammy said...

I did your little meme and made me think back to when my child was in school and what all I did to try my best to make sure he got the best education he could. Now he is going for his Master's and I couldn't be more proud. Thanks for the challenge

ArtcTrish said...

OH...DARN!...I didn't get tagged! (do you sense the sarcasm?)LOL...I'm still recovering from the last one!

Anonymous said...

In a blogoverse where there are many trite memes, this one stands out as a really good one and one that makes for interesting reading.

I chose creativity as my passion for students...because you chose, and did an inspiring post on, History; which was going to be my first choice.

loonyhiker said...

Thanks for tagging me! I had already done this so here is the link:

*love2scrap* said...

still working on this, Tink. I have started many times. life gets in the way...